Spitz Breed Clubs
Spitz in the Park was designed to share a love of spitz breeds but is open to ALL breeds. Useful breed contacts below:
Akita | |
Akita Association | www.akita-association.org |
Akita Club of Scotland | www.akitaclubofscotland.co.uk |
Akita Club of Wales | |
Alaskan Malamute | |
Alaskan Malaute Club of UK | www.alaskanmalamute.org.uk |
Basenji | |
Basenji Club of GB | www.basenjiclubofgb.org |
Basenji Owners & Breeders Association | www.Basenji-org.net |
Northern Basenji Society | www.northernbasenji.org.uk |
Canaan Dog | |
Canaan Dog Club of UK | www.canaandogclub.co.uk |
British Canaan Dog Society | www.canaandog.co.uk |
Canadian Eskimo Dog | |
Canadian Eskimo Dog Club of GB | www.canadianeskimodogclub.com |
Chow Chow | |
Chow Chow Club | www.thechowchowclub.co.uk |
Chow Chow Club of Scotland | www.chowchowclubofscotland.com |
Chow Chow Club of Wales | www.thechowchowclubofwales.com |
Midland Chow Chow Club | www.midlandchowchowclub.com |
National Chow Chow Club | www.nationalchowchowclub.com |
North Eastern Chow Chow Club | www.northeasternchowchowclub.com |
Northern Counties Chow Chow Club | www.northerncountieschowchowclub.co.uk |
Ulster Chow Chow Club | www.theulsterchowchowclub.webs.com/ |
West of England Chow Chow Club | |
Eurasier | |
Eurasier Society | www.eurasiersociety.org.uk |
Southern Eurasier Association | www.southerneurasierassociation.co.uk (proposed) |
UK Eurasier Club | https://www.facebook.com/Eurasierclub/ |
Finnish Lapphund | |
Finnish Lapphund Club of GB | www.finnishlapphund-club.co.uk |
Southern Finnish Lapphund Society | www.sfls.org.uk |
Finnish Spitz | |
Finnish Spitz Club | www.finnishspitzclub.com |
Finnish Spitz Society | www.finnishspitzsociety.co.uk |
German Spitz | |
German Spitz Breeders & Owners Club | www.gsboc.co.uk |
German Spitz Club of GB | www.germanspitzclubofgreatbritain.com |
Greenland Dog | |
Greenland Dog Club of GB | www.greenlanddogclub.co.uk |
Japanese Akita Inu | |
Japanese Akita Inu Club | www.japaneseakitainu.co.uk |
Japanese Shiba Inu | |
Association of Japanese Shiba Inu | www.shibainuuk.com |
Japanese Shiba Inu Club of GB | www.japaneseshibainuclubofgb.com |
Japanese Spitz | |
Japanese Spitz Club | www.thejapanesespitz.co.uk |
Northern Japanese Spitz Club | www.northernjapanesespitzclub.co.uk |
Keeshond | |
Keeshond Club | www.thekeeshondclub.org.uk |
North of England Keeshond Club | www.north-of-england-keeshond-club.co.uk |
Norwegian Buhund | |
Norwegian Buhund Club | norwegianbuhund.org.uk |
Norwegian Elkhound | |
Norwegian Elkhound Club of GB | www.necgb.co.uk |
Norwegian Elkhound Association of Scotland | |
Pomeranian | |
Pomeranian Club | www.thepomeranianclubuk.weebly.com |
Northern Pomeranian Club | www.northernpomeranianclub.co.uk |
Pomeranian Club of South Wales | www.pomeranianclubofsouthwales.webs.com |
Scottish Pomeranian Club | www.scottishpomeranian.co.uk/ |
South of England Pomeranian Club | www.southofenglandpomeranianclub.co.uk |
Pomeranian club of Northern Ireland | |
Samoyed | |
British Samoyed Club | www.british-samoyed-club.co.uk |
Northern Samoyed Society | www.northern-samoyed-society.co.uk |
Samoyed Association | www.thesamoyedassociation.co.uk |
Samoyed Breeders & Owners Club | www.samoyed-sbol.co.uk |
Schipperke | |
Schipperke Club | www.schipperkeclub.co.uk |
Siberian Husky | |
Siberian Husky Club of GB | www.siberianhuskyclub.org.uk |
Scottish Siberian Husky Club | www.scottishhc.org.uk |
Swedish Lapphund | |
Swedish Vallhund | |
Swedish Vallhund Society | www.swedishvallhunds.co.uk |